Sunday, April 02, 2006


Had some great sailing today the wind was around 12-15 knots?
started off with some long upwind heh heh, the wind was crazy man
stine and i whack like siao man. Poor stine he has to play main cos
-crew- is only 55.3kg while the rest of them are like 60 plus. But
we manage to sail in front still, then downwind was uber shiok,
the both of us pump like mad dog uh. Soon after, the wind
shifted like siao then we had two races.Started storming
heh heh the lightning was so scary i saw one tt lasted 2 seconds
at least. Lowell jiao lian and stine -nearly- got struck
by lightning hah.Terribly tired now. I ask myself is
all the pushing in gym and on water worth it?
I'll know in 11 days time. Sleep is important
so i'm sleeping now. gdnight

-let my efforts pay off

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